VR assignment 2

VR assignment 2
Project description:
This was made with the intention of being a simple reflex test whereby a button would continuously spawn on a small wall within reach of the player in VR when the controller's collision box is detected.
The setting environment was made to be an extremely simple gym room with a few pieces of equipment here and there with the main component of the project which is the wall with a big red bright button on it. the collision logic for the button is set up so that either hand could be used as a trigger for the collision box and script attached to the button.
in terms of the tracking technology used, for the majority of the important usage of it, visual tracking from the headset is used to track where the controllers physically are in real time. in doing so it makes it somewhat susceptible to occlusion but with the relatively high refresh rate and the nature of this program, the controllers are going to be mostly in front of the headset anyways so not a lot of problems to be concerned with there.
as for the wall in question, a small box is used here in place of the trigger for the purposes of getting screenshots in a simple fashion. the box is not present in the attached file.
when the button is clicked, the expected outcome was to have it spawn at a random position on the wall as stated above.
as seen, there are already visible bugs in the 2 screenshots shown above depicting the lack of a point light being properly spawned along with the button. that is just one of the bugs the project currently has.
- after tapping the button with the controller in the project it spawns without the point light object attached to it.
- after subsequently tapping the 2nd instance of the button, the project lags for a bit and then does not spawn a button, which is only one of the weird bugs that can occur when running the project.
- in some cases even if the scripts have not been changed whatsoever, there will be scenarios where multiple buttons will spawn after the first button is tapped
- a scoreboard was attempted to be added as a HUD at the top left of the player's perspective. the code never fully went through development so while the script exists as a WIP somewhere in the files, it doesn't actually do anything.
Final thoughts for this dev log:
With more time, actually getting the project to run as intended would have been preferred. As for additional features, adding a way to track the average reaction speed of players and getting a server set up to track player's scores for comparison would be among the things that would have been nice to have integrated.
As for design aspects, making it a closed room with proper walls would probably have been a good idea so the player cant fall off the map. More decorations could also have been added to improve the immersion of the experience.
Assets referencing:
- https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/de712069-6ed6-41e4-a1ab-3dd66bdab6ed/Room...
- https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/u46cd2e02-0bc6-4b55-a823-836b5881e086/Mod...
- https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/u939a47a8-8a04-47f1-9c09-ccac58ddd6b9/Pod...
- https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/81a15978-642b-4473-8f60-574af278ddb3/TGO9...
- https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/619e3836-3952-465e-ab3b-b4d3e22fcc23/TGO8...
- https://mylo.utas.edu.au/d2l/le/content/526208/viewContent/4586178/View
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